Price model by cases
Tax advisory
Case1: Hair dressor
She is running this business more than 10 years and employs 2 hair dressors.
Sales volume around 30M JPY and consumption tax applied.
To focus on her own business, all financial related tasks are taken care:
book keeping, salary calculation, end-year salary adjustment, income tax & consumption tax declaration... etc
As this business runs well, no management consultation is given.
Hair dressor with 2 employees
Tax advisory
Monthly fee
66,000JPY (10% Tax included)
Case2: Talented manager
He works for mid size trading company and will be promoted to director in the near future. The company set up mentoring session in addition to their internal training in order to be ready for the next management level which has lager span of control.
Mentoring session started from the discussion of manager/leader, coaching/mentoring and other leadership elements. Mentoring duration was 3 month (6 times).
Talented manager aiming director
Leadership mentoring
Sharing knowledge and extract mentee's potential
Hourly charge
33,000JPY (10% Tax included)